About the project

About the project
Duration: 3 months - 2021
Type of work: Product-Service System Design
Project developed in the Master of Product-Service System Design at Politecnico di Milano collaborated with Samuele Sala, Anitta Colombo, Marta Conte and Daria Kovaleva.

Most of the worlds’ population is projected to live in urban areas in the future. Since 1975, the total area of urban settlements has grown by approximately 2.5 times and by 2050, urban areas are expected to be home to about 7 billion people. Trends in urbanization are directly linked to environment: the increasing of urban areas is associated with rising energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution and waste such as plastic. In this way, the view of our world through the lenses of anthropocentrism show humans as superior beings that are able to use nature as they wish to fulfil their needs and desires.
Main goal

Our goal is to generate critical thinking, with the aim of changing humans’ mindset of its relation with nature by a daily basis interaction, stimulating a more symbiotic lifestyle.
The design

Somos is an alternative pot to the traditional ones used for growing plants indoors at home, which allows you to create a new type of interaction with the plant, rethinking its daily interaction. Through a few simple everyday gestures, our tool aims at encouraging an initial reflection on our perception of plants. More specifically, the tool is designed for understanding when plants need to be watered through a balancing mechanism based on the weight of the plant and on the one of a counterweight.
The system

Han is a start-up which connects local producers of sustainable materials and environmental associations. Han wants to change the perception that we, as human, have of nature through practical and concrete daily actions.

Han has partnership with organizations for plant and material supplies, product chain and packaging. The company also incorporates environmentally friendly production processes into operations. The partnership with co-conscious suppliers bring Han towards being responsible for a minimized output of waste.
A glimpse in the process
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