Make your look unique and stylish with some simple add-ons from your closet!
Want to impress someone higher-ups at the office, or want to look handsome at a friend's gathering? Well, it’s not a problem at all. All you need is a Men’s thobe from Hub Alhaya and you are all set. Customizing your own look is not that difficult once you know what suits you can start dressing however you like. Every man has his own style and fashion to follow. If he is into darker colours, Hub Alhaya has a spectacular collection of darker shades thobes. If you are into summer colours, they also have that.
A thobe is already very simple and modest, hence very easy to accessorize it. So don’t hesitate to make a fashion statement. You can add anything you want from sweatshirts to jackets, from sneakers to hoodies, the possibilities are endless. Let's discuss your options some more!
A hoodie looks very chill!
If you are relaxing with your friends and having a day out with friends, a hoodie or a sweatshirt over your Black thobe Is just what you need to give a laid back relaxed look with people you feel comfortable with? This pairs well with a thobe and is even popular to wear over jeans and sneakers for men commonly. Especially when it is winter because it’s warm snuggly and soft all around.
Wear a blazer or a coat to look professional!
Whether it is an official meeting or a job interview, a blazer over your Emirati thobe will make you look just the part. It gives off a very serious and mature look. A thobe exudes the simplicity aura that makes you look humble and to the point. The best part about the is that with just a few add-ons of clothing articles, you can change the vibe no matter the occasion!
What look suits what shoes?
We have discussed both scenarios of professional and relaxed Grey thobe No, it is the turn to talk about shoes to wear with them. When it comes to casual you can wear a sneaker, shitkickers, joggers, or vanz. They not only look good but make fits your persona for the day perfectly. For a more formal look, you can go with moccasins or leather shoes that will give you a classy look. Sure, hip style is in fashion, but a classic look can never be downplayed.
Stylish leather bag!
 Just because you are wearing a simple jubbah doesn’t mean you have to look plain as well. All plain outfits look the best with the right choice of accessories. A leather bag is one such accessory that will make your whole outfit glow up. This combo is also not only just limited to leather bags. You can use another kind of travel bag with you. But a leather bag gives you a unique vintage look. All leather bags have neutral skin-toned colours like browns and black. These days, you can also find coloured leather bags that suit you more. You can either wear it across your body like a cross-body bag or on your shoulder.
A scarf looks fine!
 Did you know that an Emirati thobe is traditionally worn with a scarf that is chequered with red and white boxes? It can also be white or black, but the chequered pattern is the most common. It looks completely astonishing. What’s more, is that by wearing a scarf, your look is complete. With chilly weather in the UK, there are many ways to wear a scarf. You can throw it on in many styles even.
Prayer cap!
 Like the chequered scarf, the prayer cap is also traditionally worn with the Grey Emirati Thobe Many people might think to omit this piece of accessory, but it does make the outfit whole. But most importantly, the prayer caps are not just an accessory but a personal touch, a symbol of your faith. You can either just wear it on special occasions like EID or a Jumma prayer or every day. But to each their own! You can wear it in many colours that you like! But men mostly prefer to wear neutral, and that is how we prefer it anyway. Keeping neutral in fashion goes a long way!
A classy dial watch!
 Wearing a watch these days is not common any more. With cell phones and Apple watches, people have forgotten the charm of a real dial watch that looks both sophisticated and handsome. A man wearing a watch is the most attractive thing you can imagine. A watch says that you value time in its true essence. That you are a pardon that makes sure you don’t waste it. That is the man that everyone wants to talk to and acquaint with!
One outfit, so many options! So don’t waste your time thinking and order one today! Hub Alhaya gives you the best sale deals and discount offers you will not see anywhere else.
Men’s thobe

Men’s thobe


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