Personal Project Concept

"Intergalactic Iris"
A fun and colorful interactive shopping experience concept for users on Earth or in a galaxy far, far away.
About Intergalactic Iris

Much like planet Earth, with planetary seasonal changes comes the growing demand for horticultural fulfillment and its specialists. Technology has allowed us to travel the ever-expanding galaxy and deliver to these needs at a faster rate than ever before, but we need the application to do so.

Intergalactic Iris provides a shopping experience that is out of the world - and we can deliver straight to yours!

Purpose + Goal

Most of my experience relies on a basic design system foundation, and thinking "inside the box".

...But what if there was no set design system? What if I could choose the color language? How can I experiment with branding while also maintaining Material Design standards?

This project was conceptualized for one main reason: to provide a refreshing display of beautiful, fun colors and pair it with a functional, Material Design-focused interface all in one shopping application. 

To start the conversation, these screens provide a simple look into this product idea and how these elements can be brought together.

Problem Statement

Currently, there are no online methods of browsing and ordering from a large selection of plants in an efficient manner that can be delivered across galaxies.
Research + Needs

During my research, several main themes stood out amongst the rest:
• The ability to view a wide range of options at once while shopping is important.
• Small images can be problematic when the user wants to learn more about an item.
• Accurate and quantifiable information can not always be found when considering purchasing a product.
• Recommendations are important for user engagement and the recurrence of purchases.

• The user needs to be able to browse multiple products on a mobile experience.
• The user will need a large viewing window to see products up close.
• The user needs to see all options available for plant selections and easily add and change between these options.
• The user needs the ability to remove products easily from their cart.
• The user needs to gain information regarding the product they may want to purchase.
• The user needs confirmation that their order was placed successfully.

​Final Concepts

These mockups were a joy from start to finish. Even though this is a fictional concept, this allowed me to create mockups that did not bind themselves to a traditional, dulled-down color palette. I was able to experiment with a somewhat bubbly interface while also abiding by standards set by Material Design, which I found refreshing. 
Intergalactic Iris


Intergalactic Iris
