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Kinkade remake inspired on Gravity Falls

You probably have seen a painting like these on a jigsaw puzzle or hanging in your grandmother living room. This is the art of Thomas Kinkade, a loved and hated american painter.

The level of details and the colorful and naive themes, with several savage animal composing the scene in total harmony catch modern artists attention in a bad way, so don't feel bad if you think this is a little bit kitsch.

Despites his render "cringes" me, I really like his compositions, so I decided to give it a new breathe, and the type of landscape we see in his artwork was recently the scenery of a great animated serie, with a art direction that changed the industry.


I'm talking about gravity falls, a city brilliantly illustrated by Ian Worrel. Only the supernatural events of Gravity Falls can explain those wild animals getting so close to humans.

Being decided the composing and render references, I painted digitally a brand new landscape, 
and this is the final result:

Lines, painting and effects

During the process, I cut off some some of the objects and animals and extended the landscape to fit in 4k dimensions. I also moved the main light source in the original painting, to create more interesting shapes and lines.

Kinkade remake inspired on Gravity Falls

Kinkade remake inspired on Gravity Falls
