The idea behind this piece is related with the fact that many women called witches, in Europe between the V and the XV century, were finding knowledge through non conventional, alternative practices (for the normality of that cultural context). All the work related with philosophy, maths, chemistry and other study fields was unfairly condemned by the prominent catholic inquisition at the moment. I heavily disapprove the horrible treatment a lot of those women received in the past.

The Senet's Table was a game played in the ancient egypt, derivated from the Ur game. It was probably one of the precursors of the well known Ouija game, considering it was represented as an object to connect with the spirits and it's relationship with The Book of Dead.

The symbol in the book is a rune, and the two in the background represent Hugin (thought) & Munin ( memory), two ravens associated with nordic mythology.
👇You can buy the stickers here 👇 
Senet's Table - 2020

Senet's Table - 2020
