Jayne Herrmann's profile

ANP100 - Assessment 3 Dynamic Simulations

ANP100 - Animation Principles - Assessment 3 Dynamic Simulation
Jayne Herrmann - A00080779
This was a fun assessment.  I was challenged by the particle sims that we looked at during the course, however I really got into the RBD simulations that we needed to complete.  I made many attempts covering many different approaches.
I wanted to do a fluid sim over this temp geo toy, but nothing seemed to look right.
I had a few attempts and followed up with not only our class lectures, but tutorials online as well. The picture below was causing me grief as there was a box around the object.  Tom helped me understand that i needed to change the shape in the Collision settings. 
Changing the setting worked slightly... but then i ran into render issues.  I think I have an issue rendering out from Karma as I would render out the ground plane and the object, but no the lights or particle sim itself.
When rendering I got this message.  Understand that now its referring to a watermark for Houdini. Nice advertising Houdini - well played.
I gave the particle sims a few goes. And I even got as far as flip booking one. This started to work really well (in theory).  I tried a render out of Karma to see how it would look.  Took a long time, but I realized that particles were super buzzy and it didn't give me the desired look.
I wish I had more time to play around with the particles to smooth them out to a honey consistency.

Another issue i had when rendering was that my object wouldn't render out. Not sure how to fix that one.  Below is a frame from a flip book as when I tried Karma, I got the ground plane and 2 lights.
I was really happy with my end shots though.  I got two shots out and I was really happy with them.  I focused on understanding the parameters of each node closely. I also feel I got more familiar with using the lights.  And this time it was a cinch to use the camera!
I enjoyed this assessment.  I do think I might be more of a hard surfaces girl more so than fluid or cloth.
ANP100 - Assessment 3 Dynamic Simulations

ANP100 - Assessment 3 Dynamic Simulations


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