HSE200 Assignment 03 - Part 2
The main part of this assessment was to make the Ruin walls again but damaged instead. below i used the boolean to achieve the results desired this was mainly chosen as it will allow the creation of future walls as some parameters could be changed to achieve different types of walls.
Many issues came up like how to fill the end caps and Fixing the UV's and how to get them to tile properly this proved challenging but eventually a combination of using unitizing nodes and grouping specific faces and vertices.
When making the entrance piece, due to the difficulty in making the previous boolean action work with the one implemented. this proved most difficult and a few more adjustments had to be made. switching around the order of the booleans.
Later additional objects where added in as a result and many of the previous models has had there models refined eg. The barrel error was removed by naming the different objects and the missing vertices on the table where removed as well by changing the size and scale.
During the texturing phase of the modeling and importing the models to unreal, here is also some of the other problems has been removed such as the dust position and the overall tiling and texture position by adjusting the UV's in Houdini.
Overall there there are some strategies that i wished to master and that is the better UVing and learning other modeling strategies to better the modeling process mainly most of the problems comes from the lack of understanding of the program and exp in using the software.

Mainly many of the issues where small things that has been overlooked. If they had been spotted and or ironed out, I could have done more and added extra features such as a better texture and extra detain within the bricks on the wall.
Ruin Kit Pt2


Ruin Kit Pt2
