Assimilation, Oil on Canvas, 24"x30"
Combine my various sketches into a compelling painting with a strong composition and profound message based on my philosophical essays and drawings.

Successful personal work.

Evolution is a network not a hierarchical tree. Evolution is information building on information (i + i). The energy transferred through evolution is propagated hierarchically (h) which then overlaps to produce a rhizomatic, aka semi-lattice structure (s). The formula would read:

(i + i) ^h = s

This formula is entirely my invention. But it is inspired by the concepts from Christopher Alexander. I am not a mathematician, just someone with a PhD in fringe imagination. The semi-lattice is a geometrical pattern that many would say is a fundamental aspect of beauty and morality. The geometrical pattern is the semi-lattice. A semi-lattice is formed when hierarchies overlap.

Conceptual Strategist, Editorial Designer and Surrealist Painter

Buy Prints here: Michael Stancato Art



Assimilation, Oil on Canvas, 24"x30", January 20, 2014 103 hours with all the changes in the sketch stage... give or take. More info here: http Read More
