白 露's profile

【LUNA'S】| Original trend play design

问人“你的绵羊是真的吗”,要比问人的牙齿、头发或者内脏是不是真的更失礼。                                                                                                      ———《仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?》



It's more disrespectful to ask someone, "Is your sheep real?" than it is to ask if someone's teeth, hair, or internal organs are real.                                                                                                                                  ——— 《Will Bionic People Dream of Electronic Sheep?》

Luna is the first trendy play created by PINOCCHIO, because there is no experience, from sketching to modeling has experienced countless detours and obstacles, her birth is mostly influenced by science fiction and Quentin movies, she is not only a cool little girl, but also represents our tribute to some of the most impressive characters in the book or movie, good things and grinding, after countless modifications and adjustments, staying up for an unknown number of nights, Luna finally met you, I hope you can like.
【LUNA'S】| Original trend play design


【LUNA'S】| Original trend play design
