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Henney's Cider Rebrand

Henney's Cider was started in 1995 by Mike Henney as a hobby, which produced five gallons of cider in his airing cupboard.  As his love for cider grew, in 2013, production reached 250,000 gallons. (Obviously no longer in the airing cupboard!)
The business is still run by Mike in close collaboration with some key service providers, which influde Wyre Croft Farm at Bishops Frome, who supply, mill and press the apples. 

Henney's objective is to make the best cider possible and provide customers with a great service. They believe this is best achieved by keeping every process as simple as possible.
As this was part of a university project, in which team work was required, a group of designers united under the name of Yellow Newt.
Yellow Newt proposed to strengthen and enhance the branding of Henney’s Cider Co. Ltd to gain higher recognition of the products as they are currently concealed amongst other retail competitors.
Originally, Yellow Newt proposed to tackle the following:
• An updated and modern logo for Henney’s Cider Co. Ltd,
• Stronger packaging to compete against that of Strongbow (the most notable on the aisles),
• Consideration as to the whereabout of the best promoted opportunities in stores,
• Advertising campaigns - Billboards, Bus Stop and Bus advertisement, one page inserts inside food and drink magazines
• Vehicle livery
• Redesign of
• Consider ways to bring the digital aspects to those who are not on the web such as free recipe cards at store till points.
Yellow Newt also proposed more innovative ways of publicising Henney’s Cider products, such as taster packs of the four varieties that not only showcase the flavours available but would provide a personal ‘cider tasting’ experience at home or shared as a gift.
Original Logo
New Logo
This was our final design of the Henney's logo. After going through many different designs, many resulting in different ways of incorporating an apple in to our design, some even having a tree branching out of certain letters, we decided to keep it simple and effective by having an apple stem and leaf coming out of the first "E".
Branded Bottles
Website Design
iPad App
Magazine Inserts
Recipe Cards
Branded Vans
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Henney's Cider Rebrand

Henney's Cider Rebrand

A second year university project undertaken by a group of three students, operating under the team name "Yellow Newt". Henney's Cider was selecte Read More
