Fernando López Cardona's profile

Memento Mori (2023). Feature Film

A beheaded corpse goes down the Magdalena River and runs ground in Puerto Berrío; there, it is buried as N.N. It’s a corpse attributed to war; thus, everybody avoids its tomb. One man has the courage to write on the tombstone “Escogido” (chose one): a promise that will take him to hell to find the head and return the body’s dignity.

Directed by Fernando López Cardona. Written by Fernando López Cardona and James Valderrama Rengifo. Produced by Juan Diego Villegas. Fidelio Films, 42Film GmbH, ADC Rental.
112 minutes. Colombia, Germany. 2023

Official Selection:
41º Les Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, Bordeaux. 2024
26º Ícaro Festival Int. de Cine en Centroamérica, Guatemala. 2023
14º The Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale, New Haven. 2023 (Best Film)
9º Festival de Cine del Bajo Cauca, Caucasia. 2023
10º Festival Int. de Cine por los Derechos Humanos. Bogotá. 2023
27º Festival de Cine de Lima PUCP, Perú. 2023
(Honorable Mention to Photography)
62º Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena. 2023 (Opening Film)

Memento Mori (2023). Feature Film


Memento Mori (2023). Feature Film


Creative Fields