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Caldwell & Kearns, P.C.

What Is A Law Firm?

Before searching for a law firm near me, you should know that a law firm is an organization that provides legal services. Lawyers who work in these organizations are called associates or partners. The number of people employed by a law firm varies depending on its size and the type of work it does. Some firms have just one lawyer, while others employ hundreds of lawyers. Some provide general legal services while others are focused on certain areas of law like family law or criminal defense.
What types of law firms are there?
There are several types of law firms, and they all offer different services. The type of law you need will determine which type of firm you should hire. Here's a breakdown of the main types:

General practice firms

General practice firms are the most common type of law firm. They provide a broad range of legal services and may deal in one practice area, such as real estate or family law. General practice firms can be large, with hundreds of attorneys, or small, with one or two partners and associates. General practice firms are not limited to just one area of the law they generally provide legal advice on a variety of issues. These include commercial law, personal injury claims, and family law.

Specialty firms

A specialty law firm is a small firm that focuses on just one or two types of legal practice areas. These might include criminal defense, family law, or trademark protection. The most common type of specialty law firm is an immigration firm that helps foreign nationals immigrate to the United States for work or study purposes. The term "specialty" does not refer to how complex or difficult cases are handled by these firms; rather, it refers to what area or areas of law they deal in.

Corporate law firms

Corporate law firms provide legal services to almost every industry sector, no matter how small or large the company may be. These services include mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property law, bankruptcy and restructuring services, securities law compliance, and litigation support services. Corporate lawyers are trained professionals who have passed the bar exam in their state of residence as well as passed an additional exam that qualifies them to practice corporate law at a national level.
What do law firms do?
Law firms are in the business of providing legal services. The lawyers who work in these firms called attorneys, provide advice and representation to clients.

Lawyers can provide their services in a variety of ways:

They can provide general legal advice to clients when they need it. General advice covers things like how to fill out paperwork or how to resolve a problem with their landlord. Lawyers also provide general legal advice about topics such as estate planning or bankruptcy.

They can represent you in court if you're involved in a lawsuit or criminal proceeding where you need legal representation. The lawyer will represent your interests before the judge or jury and will try to defend your rights and interests under the law.

Law firms often offer other services besides just providing legal counsel or representation for their clients' cases — these services may include drafting contracts, writing briefs, researching issues related to your case, or providing tax advice.

Company Name: Caldwell & Kearns, P.C.
Company Phone: (717) 232-7661
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Company Address: 3631 North Front St, Harrisburg, PA, 17110 US

Caldwell & Kearns, P.C.

Caldwell & Kearns, P.C.


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