Ramon Diaz's profile

Game and Programming Porfolio

My name is Ramon Diaz, I live in Willow Street, P.A., and I study video game development and programming at SHNU. I have had an attraction to video games since I was a child, and I also developed an attraction to PC games. I learned about programming out of pure interest by searching for information on the internet. During my research, I developed an interest in cryptocurrencies and how blockchain is used. Slowly but surely, the cryptocurrency industry has developed into a video game industry, and I wanted to learn how to develop a video game within an industry I grew up playing during my childhood and teenage years. At SNHU, I learned basic coding, the languages I learned were python, java, C++, C#, and finally, HTML. While studying, I learned a lot, and every artifact has a lesson in my activity as a student. As a professional, I have learned that teamwork is always paramount. Working as a team helps the other co-workers give their best in the project they are working on. Here I explain in the following paragraph what each artifact means.

Before entering the four projects, I have created a briefing and will teach it for my e-portfolio. All the artifacts created have meaning during my studies. I chose the artifacts because of the experience and knowledge I gained from creating them, and the experience is different. The meaning in artifact #1 is the experience gained as a team. I put them first because teamwork has a professional, ethical meaning. Artifact #2 is the experience of creating the first game, and the experience gained creating that game. Artifact #3 is a mathematical function where I create a world with all the elements based on an open world. A prototype game that helps me advance my knowledge in world development within Unreal Engine 4. Artifact #4 differs from what I have created in video games; it is an object. This one was created in Maya, and the experience I gained was different within the course.  I chose a video game headset, and creating it was very important, and at the same time, it was fun to create an object. Developing video games has been difficult but entertaining at the same time. The skills I have developed during my studies. They have helped me to develop better skills in C++ and C#. I have been able to create freelance work during my free time and develop the basic skills every developer can create within a game.

At SNHU, I have acquired the experience to develop myself in the industry for a job. Within the curriculum capabilities, my skills were developed in Unreal Engine. Each class had teaching purposes. The first class was to develop only in Blueprint, which teaches the basic principles of each part within the limitations found within the engine. Once you have familiarity with the engine, starting with c++, C# helps develop the skills to get you used to the engine and the languages you can use within the engine. With my talent during each class, I can say that I am fit to start an internship or job as a gameplay programmer and AI programmer to develop a specialization within the industry.  But I would opt to continue my knowledge by studying for a higher degree to be fit for a capacity within the industry. A bachelor's degree is the highest in the video game industry. I want to combine it with Project Management in a master’s degree.
The knowledge within the program has been mastered in all classes. The skills acquired have given good results in each class. The program's purpose is to show that the program has delivered results in each artifact. Each artifact has a skill acquired and mastered within the course. For example, the math class, which is fundamental to the industry, helped me develop artifact 3 with the capability of an API. I consider that part of the skills and abilities acquired in the course.
The best practices were the experiences I could apply in the capstones. For example, artifact 1 API helped me create a new environment for artifact three based on applied mathematics. During the program, I had to review all the material given in the course many times to apply it in the final capstone of the course.

I will be able to apply what I learned during the program in my professional life because of the preparation I acquired during the program.  What I learned during each capstone helped me finish each project by mastering the material. Each capstone represents an academic milestone and allows me to achieve professional goals, such as reaching a job for which one has sacrificed time and effort. It is a sacrifice one must make for one's family to give them what they need for their growth and future. The obstacles I encountered within the course were how to create a river within an unreal engine when you are not familiar with the program and finish the project by creating mountains, incorporating real-world maps, using negative and positive to create the height of a mountain by color and using the positive to create the color of the environment creating an auto-terrain material.
The ethics acquired in professional knowledge to be more organized with my projects. Working on a project step by step and detailing each part of the process in a structured way. Suppose I can get into video game programming as a career. I would use all my acquired knowledge to develop new skills, just like learning other types of engines, to have more opportunities in the industry. I want to work in any position to keep learning, get the best experience, and apply in any form. Related to one of the classes, my choice of specialty was AI programming. It was a spectacular experience because I interacted with the community, where they talked to me about every part of the profession and asked me questions about this specialty.
Artifact 1: Patient Zero
Patient Zero (Year)
Description: Developed a platform video game using Unreal Engine 4, where the player enters the body of an infected human to eliminate a deadly virus and extract the cure. The game includes five levels, and the scenario simulates the parts of a human being. Created original materials in Maya.
Role: Team member
Technologies used: Unreal Engine 4, Git, Maya
Demonstrated strong skills in level design, gameplay design, and video game programming, working as a team to complete the project.
Utilized Git to manage version control and facilitate collaboration, highlighting my proficiency in software development and project management.
Created a functional game prototype with five levels that showcased my ability to develop complex video games with immersive scenarios.
Developed a game that demonstrated my creativity and ability to adapt to current events, as it was inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Showcased my ability to work effectively in a team, collaborating with colleagues to complete the project efficiently and effectively.
Artifact 2: Metallic Detective Treasure Hunter

Metal Treasure Hunting Detective 
Description: Designed and developed a video game prototype using Unreal Engine 4. The game is centered around collecting treasure on a deserted island beach using a metal detector. The game features a palm and desert sand theme and was created to generate interest in a metal detector about to be launched on the market.
Role: Sole Developer
Technologies used: Unreal Engine 4, Git,
Developed a large map using the water ocean API and created a beach theme to fit the game's motif. Incorporated music to enhance player experience and immersion.
Demonstrated proficiency in level design, gameplay design, and video game programming, utilizing Unreal Engine 4 to create a functional game prototype.
Learned to use Git to manage version control and save the game in the cloud online, developing skills in software development and project management.
Developed a game to generate interest in a metal detector product, highlighting my ability to create video games with specific marketing goals in mind.
Artifact 3: Prototype
Project 3: Prototype
The prototype was created in Unreal Engine 4.
The purpose is to demonstrate the skills acquired within the SNHU program.

Description: Created an open world prototype using Unreal Engine 4 and an API. Designed an open world based on colors and mathematical functions, incorporating features such as trees, bushes, and wildflowers. Used key functions with Biome to separate the terrain into different areas, including desert and mountains. Utilized Mega Scan, an Unreal Engine API with over 10,000 images, to efficiently create a variety of themes.

Role: Sole developer

Technologies used: Unreal Engine 4, API (Application Programming Interface), Mega Scan

Achievements: Demonstrated strong skills in designing and implementing an open world prototype, utilizing APIs to streamline the creative process and efficiently create a variety of themes. Showcased proficiency in Unreal Engine 4 and gained experience in project management, problem-solving, and collaboration.
Artifact 4: Gaming Headset
Artifact 4 showcases my ability to design and create an object within the video game industry using Autodesk Maya. The gaming headset created was a fun project that gave me insight into the role of a graphic designer in the video game development process. While creating the headset, I was able to understand the creation sequence of designs and how it is important to start with the simplest elements and gradually create each part of the object.

Though this artifact is not directly related to gameplay programming or level design, it shows my ability to work with 3D modeling software and create objects that add to the aesthetic value of a video game. It also showcases my ability to think creatively and add unique elements to a game, in this case, adding Mario Bros. game sounds to the animation of the gaming headset.

Overall, Artifact 4 demonstrates my versatility and ability to work with different aspects of the video game development process, whether it be gameplay programming, level design, or graphic design. It also highlights my commitment to learning and expanding my skills in all areas of the industry.
Artifact 5: Side Project
Artifact 5: Side Project: Shooter

Third Shooter Player, developed in Unreal Engine
Battle Royal Game


During the development of the shooter project, I gained a deeper understanding of C++ programming within the Unreal Engine. Working with marketplace content allowed me to learn how to integrate different assets and create a cohesive game experience.

Developing the rare weapon system was a challenging but rewarding experience that allowed me to apply my knowledge of programming and game mechanics.

I also learned how to create animations and movement for characters, which is a vital component of any shooter game. This experience taught me how to bring characters to life and make them feel more realistic and engaging for the player.

Creating a royal battle game presented unique challenges, such as designing a single character and developing the ability to equip and throw weapons. These challenges allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of game design and programming and helped me develop my problem-solving skills.

Overall, the shooter project was a valuable learning experience that allowed me to apply my knowledge of programming and game development. The skills and knowledge I gained through this project will be useful in future projects and will help me advance my career in the video game industry.

Game and Programming Porfolio


Game and Programming Porfolio
