Upcycled Water Hyacinth: An Inaul and Langkit Bag Coll.

Abaca is a kind of banana endemic to the Philippines that is not associated with the fashion industry. Its fiber is regarded for being extremely resilient, flexible, and resistant to saltwater damage, thus abaca bags will be a utilitarian and sturdy product to have in your wardrobe. Considering Water Hyacinth is a pest, DTI has already gotten a head start on tackling the problem by beginning skill training programs to transform this pest into commercially valuable products such as woven water hyacinth handicrafts with the material of abaca.

Moreover, Inaul is a time-honored weaving tradition of the Maguindanao people usually made into Malong or wraparound skirts commonly and regularly used by both sexes. The Maranaos of Marawi City have a weaving tradition as well, which is Langkit, it is typically used by the Maranao people in sewing beautiful strips of fabric onto Malongs (tube skirts) and ceremonial apparel. They upcycle everyday garments by adding the bright woven design.  
Project Development
Our project is about combining Water Hyacinth with Inaul and Langkit to develop an efficient product such as bags. Since our intention is to repurpose ‘natural waste’ into marketable commodities that will provide income for a community and indigenous people in the Philippines.

Invasion of floating water hyacinth has always been a serious concern in tropical countries, including the Philippines, which is why we chose to utilize it as raw materials and combine it with Inaul and Langkit of the Maranaos to create something unique, to introduce the culture of the Philippines and to support the local products.

Repurposing the water hyacinth will lessen river clutter and be much more valuable to many individuals as well as in the economy and environment.
General Objective: 
The proposed study's objective is to grow the quality of a Filipino product, boost its usage, and learn about potential customers' satisfaction with the product offered. 

Specific Objectives: 
To promote a product made by Indigenous communities of the Philippines. 
To encourage sustainability throughout the product's entire life cycle. 
To support the weaving industry by selling locally produced products.
Introductory, Seasonal and Poster Ads
We are grateful to show gratitude and honor to our fellow Filipino by promoting and developing local products and especially to Maranao people that inspired us to make this project feasible.


For educational purposes only and “No copyright infringement intended”
Lead Visual Designer:
Hyne Nazen Allones
Researcher and editor:
Juaymah MadayaVivienne Ruth MarundanAngelica Mailom and, Luis Anthony Mauleon

Upcycled Water Hyacinth: An Inaul and Langkit Bag Coll.

Upcycled Water Hyacinth: An Inaul and Langkit Bag Coll.

The Upcycled Water Hyacinth: An Inaul and Langkit Bag Collection is the center of this project, which aims to promote handcrafted products made i Read More
