Rachel Wells's profile

"Commander in Chef" comic pages

This is a sample of comic art I created for "Commander in Chef," a TV pitch created and written by Max Barth and Joe Messina. The story follows Jeff Owen, the White House chef who is unwittingly promoted to President after the entire government is mysteriously poisoned. The story is imbued with political humor and facetious conspiracies, and I've really enjoyed working on it! All art was created by Rachel Wells.
Pages 3-4
Pages 16, 22
Here's a sample of thumbnails for pages 1-4.
Here's the progression for page 1 from pencils to inks. The pencils were revised to make one of the birds into a robot bird.
Here's the character design for our protagonist, Jeff Owen. For this character, the writers requested a mix between Owen Wilson and Anthony Bourdain.
And here's some preliminary design work for Jeff.
These are some more character designs.
Here are some creature designs for reptilians and mermaids, both of which appear later on in the comic. These were the most fun for me to design!
And here is some preliminary design work for the logo. I do plan on working up design A eventually, as a sort of Presidential seal.
"Commander in Chef" comic pages


"Commander in Chef" comic pages
