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Mako Robotic Replacement

Surgical Intervention Using Robots

Robotic surgery refers to the use of a device that is computer-controlled and self-powered, and that is capable of being programmed to assist in the manipulation and positioning of surgical instruments. Because of this, the surgeons are able to perform difficult tasks with relative ease. However, the systems that are currently in use were not intended to carry out surgical procedures independently of a human surgeon, nor are they even close to being ready to take their place. 

Instead, these machines function in the same way as remote extensions that are entirely controlled by surgeons; as a result, the most accurate name for them is "master slave manipulators." Fortunately, the da Vinci surgical system and the ZEUS system are two of the master slave systems that have already been approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration of the United States and are being used. These two systems are known as the "master slave" systems. These systems come pre-assembled with two fundamental components that can be connected to one another via computer cables and data cables respectively.

The user interface of the robot surgery is the master console of the surgeon, which provides the surgeon with several instructions to follow during the operation. 

• a professional control panel to modify the functions such as motion scaling, controlling and focusing camera and to the accessory units.
 • a three-dimensional view of the surgical field that is relayed from the endoscopic camera that is included inside the patient's body and in control of the robot. this gives the impression of being completely immersed in the surgical field. During the procedure, the surgeon will make use of something called a master manipulator control, which is essentially analogous to joysticks or handles. After the movements made through the handles have been interpreted, they are converted into real-time motions for the slave manipulators that are docked above the patient. 

The motions scaling and tremor filtering functions both contribute to an increase in the surgeon's precision and accuracy in their movements.

However, the patient side robotic manipulators continue to be designed with Mako Robotic Replacement arms that are able to manipulate surgical instruments along with the camera through laparoscopic ports that are connected within the body of the patient. The da Vinci system is built to manage surgical instruments, some of which feature micro articulations at the tip or end o wrist. These micro articulations are able to replicate the motions of a human waist.

Applications of robotic surgery in clinical settings

Traditional thoracoscopic and laparoscopic surgery have their limitations, but modern robotic surgery has effectively addressed these limitations, making it possible to perform more complex and advanced surgical procedures with greater precision using a minimally invasive approach. In contrast to the awkward positions that are necessary for laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon performing robotic surgery is able to relax while seated on the robotic console in an ideal arrangement that lessens the amount of physical strain that is placed on the surgeon. 

The surgeon in robotic surgery receives a three-dimensional view, which improves their depth perception, as opposed to the two-dimensional or flat image that is gained through the standard laparoscopic camera. In addition, the motion of the camera is very steady, and the operation surgeon can easily control it through either manually operated or voice activated master controls. In addition, the manipulation of the instruments attached to the robotic arm improves the range of motion when compared to the standard laparoscopic instruments. This allows the surgeon to perform more complex surgical movements.

On the other hand, in a relatively short amount of time, robotic procedures have covered the entire spectrum of surgical procedures that have been successfully carried out. Some preliminary findings suggest that morbidity, mortality, and length of hospital stay are reduced when compared favorably to conventional laparoscopic procedures. There have only been a handful of studies, both randomized and potential, that have compared the results obtained using robotic techniques to those obtained using traditional, established procedures. Before robotic surgery can be integrated into standard surgical procedures, additional procedure-specific tests and randomized clinical trials will need to be carried out.

The potential drawbacks of robotic surgery

In spite of the rapid pace at which it is developing, robotic surgery has not yet reached its full potential because of the limitations that still exist in the technology. The question of whether or not the benefits justify the costs is a significant one. Some recent studies that compare robotic procedures to standard operations have shown that although the absolute cost for these robotic operations is a bit high, the majority of this increased cost can be attributed to the initial cost of purchasing the robot and yearly maintenance. 

This is the case despite the fact that the absolute cost for these robotic operations is somewhat higher. As the robotic system gains greater widespread recognition, it is anticipated that these two factors will become less of an issue. However, it is conceivable that some additional technological advances could initially result in prices that are even higher than they currently are. The fact that the robotic equipment is somewhat cumbersome is yet another disadvantage of the robotic surgery that will be performed.


In spite of the fact that it is still in its infancy, robotic surgery is currently a ground-breaking innovation in the field of surgery that has the potential to have far-reaching effects. Dexterity and precision are also being improved thanks to robotic surgery, and the rapidly developing technology behind it will soon make it possible for surgeons to perform operations that previously could not be accommodated by minimal access techniques. 

As a result, the advantages of this minimal access method surgery may be applicable to a wider variety of treatments. In addition, safety is ensured as a result of the fact that numerous successful outcomes have been achieved through the utilization of robotic surgery. Surgical care can now be provided to patients who do not have direct access to the surgeon through the use of telerobotic surgery, which is currently regarded as an excellent method for doing so.

Mako Robotic Replacement

Mako Robotic Replacement


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