Context keyword: round about car park, private/public, auto-cratie, school, transit traffic 
Project keyword: flexibility, no boundaries, black board road, interaction, involvement, painting memories, social consciousness, distortion, 1 idea 16 plans
Partner: Nikolina Krešo landscape architect
Gross area: 8000m²
Location: Vukovar, Croatia
Fight between asphalt and green space, one help the other to respond to community needs.
1site -> 16 and more plan evolution
existing site: round about nothing
idea: use road as a multifunctional track for all community activities (north site children school)
car's solution: there are removed along road and others free spaces quater
intention: one way road intend to reduce unecessary traffic which across space for shortcut
one of the 16 proposal: make the road the main activities support in order to disturb car traffic and make people more carefull to eachother needs.
Children, local artists, community people can use the road as an expression tape helping to build events and memories.
Time after time drawing fade like old asphalt... new drawing and new asphalt grow, space transform adapting to people needs.


Use the main road as a black board expression for divers activities, from sports to arts and games keeping the basic car park function in order t Read More
