Chris Hinton's profile

StarCraft Graphic Designs

Package Design,  Branding,  and  Marketing
StarCraft Vinyl
StarCraft Vinyl is a craft manufacturer and producer of vinyl and products for the crafting industry. Working as an inhouse graphic designer for a partnering company ( I was tasked with developing cohesive branding for a series of new products. Working with both the marketing manager, and the copywriter. 

The Project:
The StarCraft SOLO was one of several new products that came on the market that I was tasked with designing marketing material, packaging, and updating the logos. The brief was to be very clean modern look, but at the same time be playful while keeping on brand.
This clean but playful was a bit of a hurdle. I decided to sprinkle the colors from the logo throughout the designs. I used primarily photoshop, illustrator in these designs.

Photos provided by product photographer Lora Sparks
StarCraft Chalk& Mineral Paint was another example of one of many label designs that were launched.
Marketing Material
StarCraft Graphic Designs


StarCraft Graphic Designs
