My poster is based off a 4 column grid and surrounded by 0.7 in margins to match page proportion. I did not use colour because i don’t think it is needed and the white represents the white coloring of the light given off by cfl’s. I used an acronym because i felt the actual name was to long and complex. I used 3 of the same image of a cfl and rotated them 45 and 90 degrees. This created a rotating effect that emulates that of the rotating glass of the bulb. As for the type i used Akzidenz Grotesk because it was the original International Typographic Style preferred choice. I set 2 blurbs of text in the bottom to provide a brief explanation of what they are and the benefits. Ultimately i just want to display the object in an objective way with dynamic cropping and composition.
This makes the object look futuristic modern and simple.
Object Poster

Object Poster

A homage to the object poster. I took a modern light bulb and put an old-school swill take on what the poster would look like back then.
