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The Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense: Part 1

Javill Byron | The Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense: Part 1
One of the first rules that any good martial arts teacher will tell you is to run away from a fight. This applies to everyone, especially those who are new to the sport. If possible, avoid getting involved in a fight. However, if things get out of hand, it’s a good idea to learn some self-defense techniques. These are some of the best martial arts that will teach you skills that could be helpful in a self-defense scenario.

Krav Maga
The concept of this martial art, which is commonly referred to as “Krav Maga,” originated in Israel and is taught in the country’s military and intelligence agencies. It’s believed that this form of self-defense is the most effective way to protect yourself against an attacker. Unlike other forms of martial arts, this discipline doesn’t shy away from close contact and attacking another person in the legs or face.

The Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense: Part 1

The Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense: Part 1


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