Hafiz Bilal's profile

Amazon PPC Advertising & account Management

Helping established labels as well as up-and-coming brands expand their sales, marketing initiative, and online presence.
I do my work with dedication, professionalism & passion something my partners and clients can attest to.
Case Study 1
Should You Run Auto Campaigns At The Start of Launch?

Well if you will ask me, I would probably say just don't, because when you launch your product it doesn't have any conversion history or relevance, so if you run auto at the start of the launch, you will likely bleed a lot on auto campaigns and the targeting will be irrelevant and too broad since Amazon algorithm doesn't know a thing about your product, so you need to train the algorithm.

Training algorithm means, signaling amazon about the keywords which are highly relevant to our product so that the amazon algorithm will know what our product is about and it will build relevance.

When we start with manual campaigns targeting highly relevant keywords, we send signals to amazon that these are the keywords on which we want to rank on, and are highly relevant for our product.

Once we start getting sales amazon algorithm will start to create relevance for the product, and will learn that the keywords you targeted are relevant therefore will start to rank you against those keywords.

After training the algorithm, when you launch auto campaigns, you will observe that the targeting will be more relevant and efficient as compared to the auto campaigns launch at the start with no relevance.

I always start with a manual to train the algorithm first about the relevance then after two weeks I launch auto campaigns, and I have observed that auto performs way better in terms of relevant targeting.

Recently I got access to the client's account he was running only auto campaigns and the targeting done by auto was fairly too broad, even close match was not able to target highly relevant terms and was bleeding a lot.

I started with manual campaigns and then after some time launched auto and the result I'm seeing is fairly good, highly relevant targeting by auto campaigns and converting way better than the client's auto campaigns.

Few more tips:

If you want to save spend on PPC, research out one-word negative phrases that you don't want your ads to show up on and train algorithm as well, and do this before you even set up your PPC campaigns.

Working on optimization regularly, hopefully,, ACOS will gradually Reduce.
Case Study 2
Have you ever thought of getting Orders from your Customer Reviews?
No !!
Then Lets Discuss 
Please follow these steps to apply this PPC Strategy;
Note: your product should have at least 500 Reviews to apply this strategy.
1- Open your product Detail page on Amazon.
2- Click on Helium 10 Extension and Run Review Insights and then click on Extract Reviews.
3- It will take a minute or 2 to load up. After it shows up click on Review Analysis.
4- You will see that how many times a customer has written a certain phrase.
5- Manually Extract out those phrases (words) that customer has used to describe your product.
6- Create a new campaign and add them in Broad Match and see results 
For Example :
For a Brain Booster Supplement Product with 31k+ reviews.
Some manually extracted phrases are;
brain booster, helped me, brain fog, easy to swallow, remember things, helps me focus, this brain booster, work for me, etc.
So these are some terms our customers are using to describe our product and we use utilize them.
I used it on a product with 1k+ reviews and the results are shown in the screenshot attached.
Note: Don't expect that it will boost your sales. Its just a trick to utilize your reviews and get few orders every month.
The more the reviews the better this strategy will perform.
Case Study 3
'PPC Wonders'

 Highly competitive niche, where top seller has more than 50k reviews, and Average reviews on Page 1 stands at more than 5000 Reviews. Our listing is competing against them, with JUST 09 Reviews, that too all Organic.

Current rank on Targeted KW of 35K Search Volume is, 04. Allhumdulilah. Organic orders have also started flooding in (75%). Lifetime ACOS is 30%, profit is nearly 30% as well. As of now, we are getting Organic orders and sustaining the position. Yeah, not a single GAs's have been done for this listing.

My single takeaway on this is, "Find the MOST CONVERTING MAIN IMAGE in the Niche and give it YOUR TASTE & Have the best FEATURE ORIENTED title than the Keyword oriented(Open to disagreement)" & then Explore the results. 
Amazon PPC Advertising & account Management


Amazon PPC Advertising & account Management
