I wanted to make a short video for Tom Brady but I struggled to find good quality clips and I didnt want to use any low quality ones. One issue I was stuck on was trying to upload an html file into premiere. I searched and searched for solutions but I came up empty. So after I couldn't fix my problem I decided to just make a graphic of pogba, who is a soccer player. I chose him because one of my friends brought up the world cup so i thought I would make a graphic. I first learned how to create a powdery looking effect like some celebration smoke popped behind him. I also played around with some exposure on him because since the background was reddish and black he needed to stick out and be more eye popping so I added some white exposure on some areas and it made him look like he was the star of a game with the lights shining on him. I was very happy with how it worked out. I also learned how to create this electrifying effect. I'm sure there are multiple ways but what I found was that I could use a brush and it would create the lightning for me and all I would have to do is adjust a few levels to make it glow and pop.

