Abhinaya Suboyin's profile

Love and Rain Webcomic

Webcomic Breakdown
First step was to create a rough story path to follow along with a script. The following is my rough script used for the webtoon production.
Character Design
Now that we have our story it was time to create the characters.
Sketching Chapters
Next step was to create a rough sketch of the chapters to understand placement of sketch and panels. This is also where I test out 3D models that may help me enhance my speed and
Line Art Phase
In this stage, I cleanup the sketchy lines with cleaner lines. I also hide any 3D body models that I do not require further.
Coloring and Dialogue Phase
Here I do the cleanup of line art and adding base colors and mood lighting. As this is the final stage of my webcomic this is further uploaded on a webcomic sharing platform such as Webtoon.
Love and Rain Webcomic


Love and Rain Webcomic
