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YB-Book/Magazine Research&Inspiration

"Fruits" Book By Shoichi Aoki
One of the first book i found was Fruits by Shoichi Aoki who was one of the main photographers within my inspiration and i found that it was different from looking online as the page and layout really made a difference to how overall i looked at each image and subject it also helped me to understand how the layout overall make the viewer want to continue looking though out the magazine. 
I was very much inspired by this book as it all his best image from each magazine he made so it very much inspired me for what kind of subjects stood out most to him overall. But also how he layout hims images out all full bleeds to showcase the outfits fully on each page of the spread. Alongside the fact that after each cover he has some art work/ design element so that his images aren't printed onto the same hard cover as the front and back cover. i found this very helpful and an inspiration as i didn't think before about that element which really lead itself to keeping a consistent theme and feel to every spread and image and is definitely something that i want to included within my own Magazine.
"Fresh Fruits" & "Fruits" Magazines By Shoichi Aoki
Again i found some actual magazine of Fruit within the Library which i found so amazing as again I've always been a fan of Shoichi Aoki and finding out about fruits from last unit i really wanted to see some of the magazines he published before discounting the publication as whole as he stated "theres no more cool kids to shoot" once again make the magazine feel like a time capsule of fashion looking though out these Magazines something again that i want to try and replicate within my own images. 
Also looking more at the layouts i found that it did differ from his book with more diverse layouts for each spread including text on some pages and then back to two full bleeds on another keeping the viewer intrigued by not knowing what will come next keeping them flipping though the Magazine. Also a similarity i found from both his book and magazine was that he use a similar to one you'll find within the book or Magazine as an image for both the front and back cover which once again draws the viewer into the publication. Another interesting thing about both publications is the Japanese style of reading and publishing is backward to our so there front cover is our back cover which is another thing to stand out about fruits overall as a street fashion Magazine something i might consider into my own Magazine.
Yvan "FaceHunter" Rodic
Yvan Rodic also known as Facehunter is another one of my main inspiration and i was lucky enough again to again be able to find his book which once again helped me to gain a better understanding of how he wanted his images to be seen as he wanted them to. 
Again i was inspired by the layout once again due to that fact that he change the layout and orientation to keep the viewers attention, as well as using collages to show a lot at once but also using bleeds and crop to best showcases each image. I also liked that once again we have a inside front and back cover so that once again all the images are flat and the same following though, but also the design of the front and back cover including the spine of the book to are well fitting in colour and style of the book give it an overall very cohesive and consistent look i would want to achieve within my own book.
Bill Cunningham
Yet again another one of my main inspiration overall is Bill Cunningham however i couldn't find any of his articles of the New York Times, however i found this amazing book of sone his articles in the New York Times which once again allowed me to see in print how his images would have looked alongside his commentary on these trends and outfits.
As Bill Cunningham is one of my main inspiration though-out this project i was really grateful that i could find something in print as it really allowed me to see his iconic close up and straight up which inspired me so much before and continues to do so really helped me to imagine how once again my own images could and would look within my own layout and how i would have to fit these images into a layout to be successful. i also really liked how the front and back cover both use an image again alongside a crop on the front with colour to match text and the back cover using text boxes with the same colour again to keep that consistent colour scheme, something that again i will consider when looking into making my own layout.
One of the first magazines i ever found was one i had pervious found before in another unit and something that continues to inspire me as i really enjoy the layout and style of this magazine. Monument is a Magazine founded by Mary-Lou Berkulin and designed by Karen van de Kraats. I found the Magazine issue two at the book store Magculture and liked the design which when researching I found out was inspired "The magazine focuses on Dutch fashion design around the turn of the century. Each issue is dedicated to a single designer or label, enabling the contributors to go in depth on the coming and passing of the designers who were part of the 1998 “Dutch wave”.
I really think this magazine stands out due to each issue being completely different to the pervious one yet still being recognisable to the viewer while still keeping the viewer fascinated by this different design and fashion element  within the magazine. I was inspired by this magazine due to its more cut and paste style of the design really makes it stand out amongst other magazines.
Other Book/Magazine Inspiration
Here is a mood board of some other magazines i found at Magculture and artwork both photographer magazine and photo book stores. All layout and design that stood out to me and will inspire me when creating my own layout for my magazine. Some consistencies that i found that i will definitely be including within my own layout is the use of images on both the front and back cover alongside using text and art work for my inside front and back cover so that all my inside pages lay flat and look consistent when my viewer looks though out the magazine, i also want to definitely included both full bleeds and crop image within my layout as many of my inspiration use either or both. But also the use of colour and text to keep that consistent and overall theme to my magazine.
YB-Book/Magazine Research&Inspiration


YB-Book/Magazine Research&Inspiration


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