<The Parrot Earth>
In the Buddhist Bible, there is a story about 
‘the parrot that moved Je Seokcheon (Buddhist God)’.
The contents were as follows.


 When a great fire breaks out in the forest, 
the parrot takes pity on the animals, goes to the water, wets its wings, 
and sprinkles them over the fire. 
In response to the parrot's compassion, 

Je Seokcheon puts out heavy rain and puts out the fire.
Je Seok-cheon speaks to the parrot.
“This forest is so great that it is tens of millions of li, 
and only a few drops of water wet your wings.
How can you put out the great fire?”

The parrot replies to this.
“My heart is very broad, and if I work diligently, I will surely be able to put out the fire.
If I cannot put out the fire until this body is exhausted, 
I will swear by the body of the next life to put out the fire.”


I adapted this tale to produce a 60-page graphic novel.
It is the story of the earth that has chosen to self-destruct 
after spending so much time alone, 
and the parrot who struggles to put out the wildfire 
by putting water on its body to protect its home.

 In the end, the parrot will be charred to death, 
but the Buddha, who is proud of it, turns off the fire and speaks to the earth.
"How about living the life and death of the living things 
rather than eternal life and extinction?"
 The earth chooses to share pain rather than excruciating loneliness, 
and feels happiness in countless reincarnations.

 I want each of us to think about 
what values ​​we want to protect for the future and what our lives consist of.

<The Parrot Earth>


graphic novel

앵무새의 지구

The Parrot Earth

The Parrot Earth


Creative Fields