Muhammad Al-Haikal Hilmy's profile

SHELTERED(stop-motion assignment)


-The air is moist and pure. The water is clear and potable. The place is safe and sound. The space is wide enough for two persons. The wall is the same. The ROOM is perfect. It had everything. The peaceful and quiet ambience was cut short by a child-like giggle. A white creature with black eyes appeared, contrasting its bright color with the dimly lit ROOM. It was CHILD.

CHILD is drawing comfortably near a chair. A black horned creature with white eyes can be seen resting on the chair, almost blending with the gloomy environment. The horned creature watched CHILD with its caring eyes, never taking away its gaze. CHILD showed GUARDIAN their marvelous artworks, be it they looked like seven years old drawings.

GUARDIAN, alongside CHILD smiled and giggled together as they go through the drawings. Though, GUARDIAN stopped giggling and focused at a particular drawing. It was a drawing of a door, with them in it. GUARDIAN’s expression can be seen turning from joy to bittersweet. They looked at a barricaded door at the end of the room for a short while before returning its gaze to CHILD. The gesture only made CHILD curious about the door, so they also tried to look at it, but was stopped halfway by GUARDIAN. GUARDIAN shook their head to CHILD; they do not want them to even think about the door. This was not the first time it happened. Every CHILD’s attempt to go near or look at the door was futile. Though, with every failed attempt, CHILD’s curiosity only grew bigger. CHILD then climbs onto GUARDIAN’s lap. Together, they rest for the day.


-Black. Black was consuming the whole space except for a small white figure in the middle. It was GUARDIAN, though this time, they were white with black eyes. GUARDIAN stood in the dark, all alone. All of a sudden, a bright white door appeared in front of GUARDIAN. With nowhere else to go, GUARDIAN went to the obscure door. Their curiosity got the best of them, so GUARDIAN opened the door.


GUARDIAN’s white body slowly turns to black. Unknown voices started whispering inside their head. It was getting louder. It was not going to stop. GUARDIAN panicked; the black that was tame before started consuming them. They struggle but to no avail. GUARDIAN’s black eyes started glowing white, as loud, industrial beat started overwhelming the atmosphere.

GUARDIAN jumps out of the chair in shock. It was a bad dream, or was it? They sighed in relief. The thought of remembering that dream made GUARDIAN uncomfortable, so they look around to find CHILD for comfort.

,,,,Where is CHILD?

GUARDIAN’s heart stopped. Their mind overflowed with the same voices again. Their stance weakened, their expression, fear. The DOOR. The DOOR was wide open. The air in the room was now contaminated. The water was now murky. The space was now occupied by one person. The wall was different. It had nothing. The room WAS perfect. GUARDIAN lets out a terrible shriek. They need to find CHILD.


For the first time in years, GUARDIAN stepped their foot behind the door. They did not waste much time, GUARDIAN started running hastily into the dark forest that was surrounding them this whole time. With every step, GUARDIAN’s mind became more and more anxious. How could they be so careless? The forest was filled with terrible screams, the atmosphere was depressing. It did not disturb GUARDIAN. GUARDIAN kept running, hoping they would see a white figure somewhere in the dark forest. GUARDIAN saw a light at the end of the forest. It was the forest’s exit.

GUARDIAN exited the dark forest; their breathing was raspy from all the running. They collect themselves before analyzing the surrounding. There was a cliff at the end, and stretching beyond the cliff was a terrible and depressing view. It was a large city, a large torn down city. The once magnificent skyscrapers are now nothing but rubbles. The working place was devoid of any life. Cars did not fill the road, instead, broken down tanks did.

Dark smokes emit from every corner of the city. It was awful. At the end of the cliff, stood a familiar figure. It was a small black horned creature with white eyes. It was CHILD. The sight stunned GUARDIAN. All their effort, for nothing. GUARDIAN was about to cry until they notice CHILD waving at them, smiling. GUARDIAN was confused, so they walked towards CHILD slowly. When GUARDIAN was close enough, CHILD just stare at GUARDIAN with its innocent eyes. GUARDIAN lets out a sigh, they sat beside CHILD near the cliff. It was like always. The air may be contaminated, the water may be murky, society might have been destroyed years ago, but GUARDIAN had everything. CHILD then climb onto GUARDIAN’s lap. Together, they rest for the day.

SHELTERED(stop-motion assignment)

SHELTERED(stop-motion assignment)


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