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Social Media

Diora Social Media Campaign
Diora is an Egyptian mattress brand. The first campaign is part of a story, and in this story, the mattress will take you to a new dream every time you fall asleep on it; maybe it will take you to London, Paris, or Istanbul. Diora will be your partner and guide no matter where your dream takes you. 
In the second campaign, Diora presents a new line of unique mattresses, the first one made from eco-friendly material and plants. They made it for those who want to be part of nature while sleeping. The second one is made of memory foam, and I want to give those who haven't tried it before an amazing feeling. The third mattress is made of very soft and feathery fabric, which will make you fall asleep immediately.
Override Material
Memory foam mattress
Feathery fabric mattress
Social media campaign 
Social Media

Social Media
