This project was done for Kendal Jackson with the goal to creat an strategic  platform to target the young millenial wine drinker . We nneded to separate the brand from the perception of "my mother wine" . Through blogs and interviews we could map out the consumer journey and identify the different brand touch points as well as the opportunities. We arrived to the concluion that wine was beyond status and enjoiment  for millenials was link to the experience of  friendship. Wine was a coduit to that experience enhancing it and sealing the bond between  people. Our strategic creative platfom was "It goes well with friends"
Using this platfom developing a multi media campaign to target millenials on SM, Mobile, Point of Purchase and Point of Sale.
Millenials & Wine

Millenials & Wine

Strategic platform to target millennial wine drinkers. Change the perception of young Americans of Avant and Vintners Reserve Kendal Jacksons bra Read More
