A walking day
A day in my life through photos. Exploring different ways to edit photos on my phone (some aren't edited, but most are).
Cranes building flats at Kidbrooke Station
Crossing the Thames on the Victoria train
Outside Victoria Station
Outside Chelsea College of Art and Design, where I study.
The rabbit warren of rooms and hallways inside the college
Tate Britain, across the road from the college
The Millbank
Lambeth Bridge
Near Lambeth Palace
Upper Ground
Passing Blackfriars Bridge
The Thames between Blackfriars Bridge and Millenium Bridge
Inside and outside the Tate Modern
London Bridge Station
Back at Kidbrooke Station
I hope you enjoyed this. 

For more pictures like these follow me on Instagram at @kaneis_21


Kishi Fowle
Graphics student, London
A walking day

A walking day


Creative Fields