Travis Noakes's profile

Stop Silly Trolls

Stop Silly Trolls!

Cyber troll vector set. 

This handy, all original vector and bitmap sticker set is ideal for making stickers for your PC, print them on office coffee mugs, or brand a usb stick to send a clear message to those digital deviants.

22 original full colour illustrations supplied with/without white outline and with/without dies for setting up as magnets, stickers or whatever you fancy.

The set is available here.
Application examples using the Silly Troll vector set
Printed stickers using the "Stop Silly Troll" vectors
Silly Troll cyber bully vectors used in a St Paddy's Day social media animation
Using the vectors from the set in social media designs
Silly Troll cyber bully vectors used in animations
Stop Silly Trolls

Stop Silly Trolls
