Temple Women's Ultimate Frisbee
Team Apparel Designs
Approach: The prompt was to create designs that can be used in the Women's Ultimate Frisbee store for Spring 2022. Designs had to incorporate Philadelphia, elements of TUF (Temple Ultimate Frisbee) or frisbee in general. For my sketches, I referenced some well-known sites in Philly, the Temple Owl, and even things that only my teammates would know. I was also asked to incorporate the initials of my teammate who passed away to the "TUF Love" design.
Design Variations
Teammates wearing the apparel with my designs
Roster Reveal: Choose your Character!
Approach: I had free range of creating a design for my team's roster reveal; it just had to have the names of each player, their number, and a graphic next to it. I thought about doing something quick and simple but I realized about half of my teammates are seniors graduating this spring. I really loved my team and I had such a great experience my first semester playing so, I decided to take the time and draw each one of them. My inspiration comes from video games and the character screen. I also made my coaches player 1,  player 2, and the friend drinking soda and watching them play. I emphasized the captains by making them the selected characters.
TUF Ultimate Frisbee


TUF Ultimate Frisbee
