Pascale Devisch's profile

This must be the place (office design)

This must be the place? Front desk design with raw timber, lots of greenery and natural light. The green wall complements the natural vegetation.

Sustainable materials and features: recycled oak floor, wall feature in recycled wood + natural paint, ceiling & desk in FSC boards, steel light fixture, LED lighting, indoor plants.
We created a space where people feel good about coming to work. Indoor plants, natural light and natural materials provide calm and a connection to nature. The design feature at the windows filters the natural light.

Sustainable materials and features: recycled oak floor, desks in FSC birch & Circular Matters panel, steel light fixture, LED lighting (with motion sensors to reduce energy), indoor plants, existing brick wall.
In this area you can separate yourself for a while from the office bustle. It's a space where you can make a phone call, read or just sit and enjoy the incoming daylight.

Sustainable materials and features: recycled oak floor, seating & wall in FSC birch & cushions in C2C fabric, indoor plants, existing brick wall.
Coworking space. People can come and go as they see fit. In the evening it's a place for networking and drinks.

Sustainable materials and features: recycled oak floor, kitchen & bar cabinets in Circular Matters panel, kitchen worktop in Belgian blue limestone, tables in FSC birch & steel, steel light fixture, LED lighting, indoor plants.
The dark ceiling and concrete wall lend an element of calm to the space. The indoor plants and sunlight convey a sense of well-being. All materials are sustainably sourced.

Sustainable materials and features: recycled oak floor (top-nailed, so it can be reused), tables in FSC birch & steel, seating in C2C fabric, steel light fixture, LED lighting, indoor plants, existing concrete wall.
This must be the place (office design)


Project Made For

This must be the place (office design)
