As part of the Global Game Jam 2014 Theme 'We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are', a group of innovative designers came together and took part in the 48hr challenge to make a new, creative and experimental game idea, the result: NTT Squared, a game where you have the ability to change realities between the good and bad side of the world. Built using the Unreal Engine and has support for the oculus Rift.
Game Description: A Puzzle/Mystery 3D oculus rift game called NTT squared where you have to discover the mysteries that are set before you, you have the ability to switch between realities as you discover how to accomplish the puzzles and task ahead. The two realities are different from each other, one being the reality what the rest of the world see, calm, clean, order. The other which only you can see is the apocalypse vision, a reality where there's death, destruction and horror.

Selective Studios/Game Team: Connor Allenby - Level Designer Ash Denford - Level Designer Matthew Woodward - Programmer/3D Modeller Macauley Sparkes - 3D Modeller/Story Developer Warren Bird - 3D Modeller/Story Development Isaac Sutcliffe - 3D Modeller/Designer/Tester Elliot Maltby - 3D Modeller/Project Lead/Designer Luke Pickering - General Lee Cobb - 3D Modeler
Game Jam 2014

Game Jam 2014

As part of a team I made an oculus rift game called NTT squared where you have the ability to switch between realities to solve the puzzles and g Read More
