Print project manager for Xerox’s branding guidelines as well as worked with creative teams in producing print campaigns from concept phases to mechanical production for global campaigns.
Worked directly with NHL's creative directors on creating and producing for print for magazine, outdoor and website campaigns and an Emmy award winning TV commercial.
Worked with creative directors in producing comps from beginning concept phases to finished printed materials as well as working on hi resolution retouching for print campaigns.
Worked on producing mechanicals work for Dell’s global print and television campaign.
Worked on various comps for Campbell’s subsidiary brands such as Chunky, Pace and Pepperidge Farm.
Worked with creative directors in helping produce the winning business pitch to acquire Goldman Sachs as a new client for Young & Rubicam, as well as the initial and subsequent print and web campaigns.
Helped manage and standardize most of Chevron’s comp art traffic in helping produce print campaigns from concept phases to mechanical production for global campaigns.
Worked with various creative teams helping produce and create Photoshop comps for its Tiger Woods campaigns, outdoor and web campaigns throughout 2004 - 2009, and Accenture’s following campaigns between 2009 - 2011.


Worked as part of creative teams to produce presentations for client approval and ultimate campaigns.
