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Once Upon A Dream #2

Once upon a dream #2
Oil and acrylic on wood
Had this dream almost 6 years ago. 
I walk into a dark bathroom. 
I walk up to the mirror on the wall. 
I pull back on my left eye lid and I find teeth biting down on my eye. 
Still terrifying when i think about it. No wonder ive been postponing painting this for so long 😆
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung believed that the common dream of losing ones’s teeth meant the dreamer felt their beliefs were changing or that they are losing something they once had. 
He writes “The symbol of losing teeth has the primitive meaning of losing one’s grip because under primitive circumstances and in the animal kingdom, the teeth and mouth are the gripping organ.
If one loses teeth, one loses the grip on something.
Now this can mean a loss of reality, a loss of relationship, a loss of self-control. 
The English word grip is contained in the German word Begriff (conception or notion).
The Latin word conceptio means the same, i.e., catching hold of something, having a grip on something.
Thus the lost tooth also can mean that one loses a certain conception of things like a valid opinion or attitude.”
Once Upon A Dream #2

Once Upon A Dream #2


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