Seth West's profile

Center Up Stage (The Perfect Design)

Based on a design idea for the Minneapolis College Design Show, there is a strong Art Deco-influence to the design, which was our nod to the Roaring Twenties, a time (much like today) of innovation, imagination, boldness, ambition, modernity, and resilience (all of which are perfect descriptors of the human spirit, especially in the face of war, pandemics, poverty, hunger, and other problems we as a society face). It is important to remember the historical precedent of this resilience to truly understand and appreciate how we as a graduating class were able to perform like we were in a global pandemic, which is what my group had put forth in our theme, and what I express in this video.

Music is from one of my original compositions, "Salvia Stomp"/"Texturizer"

Some design elements courtesy Minneapolis College Design Show 2022 Pitch Project Team 3 (Amanda Gomand, Lauren Roseberry, Abigail DeLuca, Ariel Cherry, Essence Enwere, Gibby Gibson, Seth West, Grant Adams, Jasmine Kramer, Zachary Whiteman, Emma Nelson, Alison Almquist, Josie Howell)

Clip from "Woman with Face Mask and Latex Gloves Holding a Globe" courtesy Anna Shvets,
Clip from "Hourglass with Shiny Blue Sand" courtesy Ivan Khmelyuk,
Clip from "Man Practicing Yoga" courtesy Marcus Aurelius,
Clip from "Ice Hockey Team Celebrating the Championship" courtesy Tony Schnagl,
Clip from "Launching of Rocket" courtesty Pixabay,
Clip from "Man Doing His Experiment" courtesy Cottonbro,
Clip from "Mom and Daughter Doing Tiktok Dance" courtesy Kampus Production,
Clip from "The Flapper Story" courtesy Lauren Lazin, Dept. of Comm., Stanford Univ., Film Arts Foundation (San Fran., Calif.), Cinema Guild (New York, NY), Internet Archive Movie Archive

Audio sample from "Adrenalin Electronica Short" courtesy Apple/APM Music

Some image elements courtesy,, and


This video constitutes academic coursework, and is solely for nonprofit, noncommercial, educational use. No involvement, endorsement, or rendering of official decision or opinion by Minneapolis Community & Technical College or Minnesota State Colleges & Universities is represented or implied.
Center Up Stage (The Perfect Design)

Center Up Stage (The Perfect Design)

Video for a team project in a graphic design course at Minneapolis Community & Technical College, remixed with original audio containing royalty- Read More
