Richard Dabin's profile

Social Bank - Apps for Good

Social Bank, an 'Apps for Good' project which enables children from around the world to come up with ideas for their own apps, submit those ideas, and the ones selected go on to be created. I was part of the team that worked with the kids to help bring their ideas to life.

Social Bank was a simple app that was designed to help the user keep track of their savings, with an eye on saving for a specfic goal, such as a pair of trainers or an iPhone
The age range for the app was early teens, but with a view to making the app more universal. So with that in mind I kept the design simple, used a limited colour palette, a clean vector style and designed the below
Splash screen, logo was designed by cleaning up initial concepts created by the school.
Home screen. Large clear buttons featuring text and icons. Minimal and usable.
The main screen where you would see how far you were till your target. Again, using large buttons  and a very simple bar showing progress the app was kept accessible yet professional
As part of every UI project it is important to supply the developers with a comprehensive UI kit so that they can quickly and efficently produce the app without having to constantly go back and forth with designers. This is the one we produced for Social Banks
Below are some of the previous versions of Social Bank, before it was refined to it current state.

Things to note:

- I used 2 separate routes to try and define exactly which age range the client felt was appropriate.
- Initally there was a central pie chart concept, but this was amended for simplicity later on and for build considerations.
Social Bank - Apps for Good

Social Bank - Apps for Good

Android app designed for the charity Apps for Good.
