Topic: The body in the digital space.

Project: Numbers in the body-to-mind feedback loop.

Task: to emphasize the importance of feedback in the process of contact with the body (developing to caring), rather than the use of technology and cyberpunk.

Concept: One of the problems that I encountered during psychotherapy is the lack of "contact with the body". Information that I am hot, stuffy or uncomfortable comes to consciousness slowly, not always or with losses.The proposed project is an attempt solve this problem by moving not from consciousness to the body (through therapy. meditations, yoga), but on the contrary, giving the body the opportunity to contact and share information, through a fantastic prototype of an implanted prosthesis (hyperbolized fitness tracker). The device is capable of measuring various indicators and displaying relevant infographics right in the palm of your hand, helping the wearer adjust behavior. Narrow interpretation - plot with visualization of the female cycle. Wide interpretation - information about eye strain, breastfeeding, sleep, etc., the ability to add a digital twin as part of the body, process gamification access to different parts of the body for survivors of trauma, rhyming braids with wires (as in the avatar), applying makeup from the inside, a hint of additional features type of wings.



