Ram Charan's profile

The Walk and the Jump of the Octopus Robot

This specific project was created through a course during Wintersession at the Rhode Island School of Design during 2022. This project was more focused on the development of individual hand-made puppets for cut-out animations. It was a very interesting and exciting process to see a charecter I created be brough to life in a more 3-dimensional form. This rudimentary form of animation was something I greatly enjoyed expirementing. with and it was really hard to work with as well.

I began by creating a puppet based on some of my previous illustrations; the charecter is an octopus robot that was mainly thought-out as a sort of steampunk-based machine that existed some time in a futuristic world where steam power is the primary mode of energy. This machine is meant to be rather clunky and clumsy and its overall form is meant to represent the natural ineptitude of much larger machines in being able to navigate small spaces or various simple motions.

It was very interesting to work with and the finished project was pretty hard to create. Regardless, this experience gained from working with cut-outs was very generally informative for me.
The Walk and the Jump of the Octopus Robot


The Walk and the Jump of the Octopus Robot
