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Logo for juice production Hildes's Juicery

Client: Clementine Yockey
Location: United States
Industry: juice production

Hilde’s Juicery is a USA-based maker of fresh, organic, plant-based beverages, meals, and cleanses. The products are designed by nutritionists to nourish and help people feel great. The fruits always fresh, and the company never use any nasty ingredients or preservation technologies.

The client wanted a concise logo, which would be associated with modern technologies of producing fresh fruit juices without using additives and preservatives.

The concept on which I have relied for creating the logo was creation of a composition of geometrical elements that would build a trust relationship between the brand and the potential client. An ordered composition creates a feeling of ease. The color composition supports the concept and adds freshness to the logo. All lines, including the font, have rounded edges, which is not as familiar as rectangular angles, which further highlights the company’s modernity. For a clear communication of that concept, I resort to minimalism, eliminating everything superfluous.

The result expresses what they were looking for, something aesthetically striking and beautiful in its simplicity.
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Logo for juice production Hildes's Juicery

Logo for juice production Hildes's Juicery


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