Trinity Erickson's profile

Elements & Principals

Texture: The bearded dragons scales are in focus and the photo brings out the texture on the lizards back
Value: This photo seperates the tones of grays on the plant 
Pattern: This photo was purposly brought out of focus to reveal the pattern of lights coming out from the lamp.
Rhythm/Movement: The skittles create a sense of movement with the lines of color.
Balance: the amber on the bottom left balances out the image with the jurassic park gateway on the far right
Unity: The color balance in the background and the glass bird balances out the theme of the photo creating unity
Balance: The dark, orange style of the image connects the image together balancing the photo out.
Proportion: The seagull swoops in usimg its size to land with all the coots moving out of the way quickly 
Shape/Form: The yellow flowers in the photo stand out with geometric shapes such as triangular and circular shapes 
Color: The color of the flames in the photo stand out and bring out the colors of the flame 
Emphasis: The color contrast on the Mallard creates a centered interest in the photo
Line: The fallen tree creates a lined path that begins at the bottom of the photo and ends in the middle
Variety: In the photo, a large amount of coots are spread out creating a large variety to keep in mind
Writing Critique
1. As an artist, understanding different elements and principles of photography can add creativity to a photo, especially when you know there is a variety of different elements in photography.
2. I had an issue with behance because it wouldnt allow some of my photos on the draft. Aside from that I learned the connection from art to photography and gained a better understanding.
3. This assignment is great with the added slideshow giving examples to help give a better understanding to elements and principals in photography.
Elements & Principals

Elements & Principals


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