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Chiesi: CLEVIPREX Concepts

Chiesi primarily asked for an evolution of their current website campaign (first image) for CLEVIPREX, "Titratable Control." Chiesi also requested new ideas for campaign concepts to see new directions they could take the brand. CLEVIPREX is used in the perioperative setting (before, doing, and after surgery) to rapidly lower a patient's blood pressure. It has a very fast onset of action, that is titratable and reversible. 

Key Fact: Inadequate perioperative blood pressure control increases the risk of postoperative complications resulting from either arterial hyper- or hypotension.

Key Problem CLEVIPREX solves: In many surgical procedures reaching and maintaining specific blood pressure targets is critical for achieving successful outcomes.

Communication Objective: Establish CLEVIPREX as the best intravenous option 
for controlling blood pressure.
Current CLEVIPREX campaign–"Titratable Control." This campaign illustrates the challenge facing surgeons (cardiothoracic, vascular, neurosurgeons, ENT, trauma, transplant, etc.), anesthesiologists, and hospital pharmacists: rapidly achieving and maintaining target blood pressure levels during surgery or a cardiac emergency. Imagery puts a healthcare provider (HCP) in the cockpit of an airplane, landing on a runway, which depicts the narrow target range of blood pressure they must maintain before, during, and after surgery. the CLEVIPREX "X" suggests the use of CLEVIPREX will allow them to reach their target easily.
The first concept is an evolution of the current "Titratable Control" campaign: Responsive Control. A smooth landing on a small target. A steady drop in altitude. It’s what you want in aviation. It’s what you want when controlling hypertensive crisis in the perioperative setting. With CLEVIPREX, get the responsiveness you need to titrate to a narrow target—rapidly, reliably, and reversibly. When hypertensive crisis strikes, CLEVIPREX is ready to respond.
This concept is a new direction for the CLEVIPREX brand, departing from the existing campaign. "Rapid Response. Precise Control" takes a hard-hitting, punchy tone, that positions product attributes with that of an Olympic skier.  Imagine the circulatory system—a network of self-regulating, muscle-bound tubes transporting blood and nutrients throughout the body. Now imagine what happens in hypertensive crisis. Muscles contract. Pressure builds. Homeostasis hangs in the balance. Picture the perfect partner to correct this crisis—smooth, agile, coursing through veins and arteries with the ability to relax muscle, clear the path for blood to flow at reduced pressure, and restore homeostasis. Fast, responsive, agile. A high-performing athlete. When it’s time to correct hypertensive crisis, CLEVIPREX brings precision performance.
This concept utilizes borrowed equity of the well-known Jenga block stacking game to position CLEVIPREX as an integral cornerstone to surgery while highlighting the level of risk inherent to every operation. The perioperative setting is a balancing act. Key players know their roles. Every move has purpose, parameters, a clear metric for monitoring the outcome. Blood pressure is one of many variables in this setting. Monitoring, maintenance, and continuous control are critical underpinnings of a successful procedure. When hypertensive crisis occurs, quick and decisive action must be taken. Choosing CLEVIPREX is that action. A key move in a long game. When the pressure is on, CLEVIPREX performs.
Chiesi: CLEVIPREX Concepts


Chiesi: CLEVIPREX Concepts
