Alyona Grass's profile

Tower-manifesto "Hoarfrost"

Tower-manifesto "Hoarfrost"
Grass Alyona
The fourth industrial revolution is reshaping the global econimy and transforming professions. Those who cannot change and fit into the stream of galloping development of technologies will be replaced by machines and will disappear. The integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into the design process already today allows you to get ready-made layouts with a couple of “clicks”, and parameterization provides us with a choice between thousands of variations of facades. These changes give rise to new market needs, a new type of architect and architecture.

Submission to the exclusive logic of mathematics, automation of design without taking into account the definition of local identity would lead to the formation of a unified cyberpunk urban environment, where it is impossible to determine either the city, or the country, or even the part of the world where the building is located.
I believe that it is not the only possible way. We can use digital tools to redevelop local practices, for example, "lace" of Russian wooden architecture.
The cellular automaton of 'The Game of Life" was taken as the basis for the formation of the tower-manifesto. The game takes place on a cell field called the "universe".
Generations changes by rules:
- in an empty (dead) role, next to which there are exactly three living cells, life is born
- if a living cell has 2 or 3 living neighbors, then this cell continues to live
- if there are < 2 or > 3 neighbors, the cell dies "from loneliness" or
"from overpopulation", respectively.
The initial sample is set by the player and constitutes the embryo of the system.
The first generation of several cases of applying different provisions on the placement of rules to each cell of the seed
Birth and death at the same time.
The original generation is an exception among the many.
The rules continue to be repeated for the subsequent creation of groups.
In this model, the points obtained at each iteration are shifted along the "time line" - the z axis. Thus, the next generation is located under the affiliation.
The tower was sponcored by Art-Style design group and produced by Splice Arch workshop for Zodchestvo 2021 festival (Moscow).
Now it is located in art-space Yadro (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
Tower-manifesto "Hoarfrost"

Tower-manifesto "Hoarfrost"
