I had an absolute BLAST getting to knock out some of the coolest UI with the insanely talented team at Cantina Creative. 

This being my first step into the film space for sure was a little daunting, but their team was so accommodating and pushed me to really stretch myself and get comfortable. 

A lot of this design style was knocked out by the insane team before I arrived, but I was given the ability to really expand and try to create my own screen layouts based on the design language they had established. 

I also animated a lot of the UI as well and helped create the jumpy pac man type of staccato animation. I had to get schooled on how this kind of UI looked, because I grew up out of the DOS era haha.  

Enjoy these approved stills from the show that really capture the essence of what we were able to bring to life! 

I’ve been fortunate enough to continue getting work and really build off my skills I developed on this show. It was a huge milestone for me personally and professionally. I’m excited to share more when I can! 
(3D Miss Minutes not handled by our team)
(3D Miss Minutes not handled by our team)
Loki Season 1

Loki Season 1
