Tom Cruise as Maverick, from Top Gun
Kurt Russel as Snake Plissken, Escape From New York
Sean Connery, as James Bond
Daniel Craig as James Bond
John Mulaney
Mad Max: Fury Road
Eleven, Stranger Things
Louis CK
Maude Lebowski, from The Big Lebowski
Sterling Archer
Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth, Arrested Development
Clint Eastwood, at the 2012 RNC
from The Boondock Saints
There was A FIREFIGHT!!
The Bear Jew, Inglourious Basterds
John McCain
Christopher Walken, on an artificial pumpkin
This one done with a little help from my friends.
Luke MF Haffen (left) and Luke MF Haffen (right)
Don Corleone, artificial pumpkin
Winston Rothchild, from The Red Green Show
the SUNY Geneseo knight
Darth Maul, Phantom Menace
Pumpkin Carvings

Pumpkin Carvings

I create the designs using Photoshop and transfer the image to the pumpkin using carbon paper. Each carving typically takes about a weekend to co Read More
