The Polar Trilogy
Originally this started out as a single book, but has since evolved into a trilogy to introduce “The Polar Colony” and “The Polar Reach” as the second and third books. The goal of this project was to create a cover design for an upcoming concept book called “The Polar Abyss”. This project included logo design, typography, layout design and creating mockups that accurately depict the book. I wanted to create a new style of cover that is not often used for book covers. I utilized concept art for the covers in order to paint a scene for the reader. I believe that this gives the book an edge on others that would be near it on the shelf because this style is so unique and different from typical designs.
My mood board for this project was heavily influenced by The Lord of The Rings and Game of Thrones. These two productions inspired me to take this design style to the book because the story, scenery and vision were all along the lines of fantasy and science fiction.
"The Polar" Trilogy


"The Polar" Trilogy
