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Cradle of Civilizations Anatolia Postage Stamp Designs

There are 5 stamp designs in this project. Cradle of Civilizations is a collection made in accordance with the Anatolian theme.


The stamp design of the unique Hagia Sophia architecture, which was built by the Byzantine Empire and still preserved as an Anatolian work, was designed with a linear design language as seen below.

The stamp design of the architecture of Anıtkabir, where the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, one of the most precious works of Anatolia, is located, was designed with a linear interpretation as seen below.

Göbeklitepe architecture, which includes the oldest known structures in the world and is located in the Anatolian lands, was designed in a linear style in the design of the stamp, as seen below.

The stamp design of Mount Nemrut, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, was made in a linear type design using the most iconic sculpture known as seen below.

The stamp design of the Troy Horse, which is located in the ancient city of Troy in Anatolia and where the Trojan War took place, is designed as follows.
Cradle of Civilizations Anatolia Postage Stamp Designs

Cradle of Civilizations Anatolia Postage Stamp Designs
