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Applying Creative Strategies

The focus of this project is on the plastic bag.  The plastic bag is quite useful for carrying things and is often re-purposed for storing various items or used as a cheap garbage bag after its one-time use to carry groceries from the store.  It is mass produced, used everywhere, and seen everywhere.  It has become a part of our daily lives and culture.  It has become so commonplace, that we don’t even stop to think when we see plastic bags floating down the street or littered along a hiking trail or river bank.  Plastic bags have become a huge threat to the fragile lives of animals and to our environment.  Plastic bags do not decompose, so they will be around for hundreds of years after we are all gone.

In fashion and objects we use, it is becoming more and more common that materials are being replaced with plastic.  This project thinks about the replacement of materials with plastic, as well as what determines if something is a luxury item or a cheap item, even though both items may be made of plastic or have plastic elements.

Each of these images explore the seven creative strategies of visual design, which are:  combination, juxtaposition, isolation, metaphor or simile, change of context or environment, physical shape similarity, and material change, swap, or focus.

This project was designed for the BYU-Idaho Art 235 Graphic Design class.

Physical Shape Similarity
“Plastic Bubbles”

I thought about how old gum becomes almost like plastic and hard to chew, as well as how plastic bags are slightly translucent and appear to expand out when filled with air.  It has a similar appearance to chewing gum when someone is blowing bubbles.
Material Change, Swap, or Focus
"Luxury Bag”

This design ponders what it is that makes a brand a high-fashion, luxury item.  Is it the the quality of the material and what the item is made of, or it is only about the brand name?  Would a plastic bag be worth hundreds of dollars more if it had a luxury brand label on it?
“Fresh from the Ocean”

There is a big issue with plastic in the oceans and how it is effecting animals, including the fish we eat.  I felt this design was not only creative and fit well where rice would normally be, but addresses what the future may be for the ocean and the food we eat.
“Tennis Skills”

I am really horrible at playing tennis, so I feel like trash when I attempt to play with anyone who has any amount of skill in tennis.  This design represents me.  It also does well at isolating the plastic bag in comparison to the tennis balls.
Metaphor or Simile
“Fake It Till You Make It”

When experiencing depression, anxiety, or a high amount of stress, people usually just tell you to not show your emotions or let people know what you are going through.  Instead, just put a smile on your face and act like nothing is wrong, or “fake it till you make it”.
“Full Moon”

There is beginning to be serious concern with more and more trash floating around in space.  So, using juxtaposition with something natural in space like the moon, this design quite successful with the image and message.
Change of Context or Environment
“Floating Away”

Plastic bags float in the wind and often get carried away, so this design shows that idea in a different context.
Applying Creative Strategies

Applying Creative Strategies


Creative Fields