Talia Janssen's profile

Data Visualization

Data Visualization Project
Project date: 01/30/2017
The client is a major grocery store, and wanted to create an internal tool to measure quarterly purchases by customers and performance of the items in the store. Here, they wanted a solution that would display a data visualization for the filters (i.e. geography, by item, by manufacturer) that they chose. I was contracted by the client and worked with another designer on this project.
Low Fidelity Wireframes; conceptualizing the problem/solution
Two iterations
After discussing with the product owners, my co-designer and I uncovered that the dynamic version to the left was not do-able and that the version to the right was perceived as more easily understood.
High Fidelity Wireframes

At first, the team told us we can create both the logo and the color scheme... so we began to explore our options
Splash page concept
Color Schemes
Eventually, we partnered with the marketing team for the name of the product and the styling for the high-fidelity mockups
Chart view of results and filter options that dynamically change the results shown
Table view of results
Map view of results
Data Visualization


Data Visualization
