Datylon for Illustrator's profile

Dataviz, charts & graphs in Adobe Illustrator

Chart library
Jumpstart from our 120+ chart templates and express exactly the message you want to bring across without any coding skills. Our chart types are carefully crafted to give you full power of expression. Use our chart templates to get you started easily and quickly.

Combine Datylon & Illustrator
Build a stunning chart with the Datylon plug-in and add annotations, titels or any illustration using Adobe's most powerful drawing tools. Place multiple charts on a single artboard to create captivating data stories.

Advanced styling
Enjoy full freedom of design with our advanced styling options. Tweak all chart elements to perfection and stay on-brand. All elements like labels, axes, background, stroke width, position and alignments can be styled to the smallest graphic detail.

Data-driven styling
Apply color and style properties automatically based on data to speed up production. Colors, shapes, strokes, size, radius, and label text can be bound to data giving you all flexibility for stunning data-driven communication

Data management
Import, store and manipulate the data in an organized way speeding up the chart design process. Load and store your data into the Datylon chart maker and link it with one or more charts in your designs. Manage your data sheets in workbooks.

Update charts
Save production time considerably and update charts by swapping the data with new data. This comes in handy when data changes frequently or last minute. In one click you can update a complete workbook containing multiple data sheets.

Templates & Export
Create design templates for others to feed with data, update, publish or share. A designer creates a dedicated template, on-brand, while the data owner updates the document with new data in a snap and shares it internally or externally.

Dataviz, charts & graphs in Adobe Illustrator